What is your definition of RICH?

I want to know what your definition of rich is... Everyone has a different perspective on a lot of things, so i want to know yours!!! And I will share mines in tonights meetings. If you want to be held accountable in getting your definition of being rich. Join us


  • Leonica Glover

    Being rich is life of abundance of nature. Having access to all of the universe creations without having anybody to tell you your being charge for it… Rich is wealth. The abundance of earth giving materials metals and minerals. To rich in mind body and soul to create what you want in a world of creations

  • Tierra

    Being rich to me is being able to be present with the highest version of oneself all of the time… by that I mean holding an account of no wrongs, recognizing and acknowledging the different energies , having a true understanding that all things are energy and most of all knowing and standing that we all are one and I love my CELLs so I love all

  • Dorie

    Being rich to me means following the aquiring interest of fulfillment and applying it to things that has sentimental value, with the intent of genuine love effort and support. Being rich means being freed from any raft of others wrong doing or secret insecurity feeling that they actions may portray contrary to your thought or intent to take action subconsciously. I think being rich is like building a safety net around a world that u plan to live in until death. being rich Is spiritual in my book it always have. Tangible objects just polish the being of humans and at times which adds a sense of comfort to most but to be rich at heart is an rewarding everlasting mood of fulfillment , its has it own spiritual value n benefits, therefore tangible objects mean nothing without the most simplest n purest thoughts of joy while have things go your wat. Thanks Mrs.Gracemoore for such powerful question. Your a Gem!

  • Baskin

    To completely be yourself FREELY
    And to use your God givien gift to Imprint your visions on the world

  • Sunshine

    My spiritual view of being rich is being happy & healthy, giving without expectation, it’s a mindset (knowing yourself your history and how to inspire others). My practical view of being rich is having a budget, savings, land and a plan on how to not only keep those things but growing them from generation to generation (being able to leave an inheritance)

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