What is your definition of RICH?

I want to know what your definition of rich is... Everyone has a different perspective on a lot of things, so i want to know yours!!! And I will share mines in tonights meetings. If you want to be held accountable in getting your definition of being rich. Join us


  • Bentley

    Rich to me is feeling completely free😉

  • Chelsey

    Rich to me is being happy and honest with yourself. Loving yourself choosing yourself. Because to me everything else will follow.

  • Cj

    To me being rich means to have an abundance of comfort. This can range from financial to family. Materialism usually ties to this word. More so material objects and money from my logical stand point, but my personal opinion is in Love there is and will be endless wealth by staying persistent and dedicated to your goals in life.

  • Dom

    Being “Rich” to me , is being happy . Genuinely happy , happiness that no one can break . Being genuinely free . Loving yourself at whatever stage you are at in your life . Loving , uplifting and speaking life into your kids . Being able to take care of your family . And just having a decent foundation with your family 💙

  • Chan

    Being rich to me means having an over abundance of all of life’s necessities. Having riches Physically Spiritually Emotionally & Mentally is the ultimate form of success. Being financially rich is only the beginning, it normally allows for all the others to exist.

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