What is your definition of RICH?

I want to know what your definition of rich is... Everyone has a different perspective on a lot of things, so i want to know yours!!! And I will share mines in tonights meetings. If you want to be held accountable in getting your definition of being rich. Join us


  • Lizzette Roman-Hashim

    I’m my opinion, rich means many different things, such as: healthy, wealth, new, at peace, and so much more. If I say someone is rich, I mean healthy, wise, a whole and not broken apart, secured, stable and at one with themselves.

  • Diamoni

    Rich to me means being fulfilled and that can be with anything. We were brought up to think Rich is about money and that rich people were privileged… however today I believe rich is gold inside and out and that’s always a privilege. Honor

  • Vanessa Wilson

    I heard a quote once, “What profits a man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul. Rich has so many dynamics, money definitely is the number one thing that comes to someone’s mind when they hear, rich. But rich is an abundance of substance, to me. An abundance of self love, knowledge, wisdom, love for others, love for our creator. That’s a rich person to me, because money can’t buy integrity, money can’t buy real love, and money can’t buy joy. So theirs material wealth, and spiritual, and mental wealth.

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