What is your definition of RICH?

I want to know what your definition of rich is... Everyone has a different perspective on a lot of things, so i want to know yours!!! And I will share mines in tonights meetings. If you want to be held accountable in getting your definition of being rich. Join us


  • Oshun

    Being rich to me starts with the mind and being in a healthy mental space. That healthy mental space then can give me the ability to Tangibly create a rich life style spiritually. Being rich to Me also means being Able to more then provide as a partner, mother, sister and daughter.

  • Koko

    Bein rich to me is the ability to be comfortable and fully at peace with one’s self in their surroundings. Maybe not so much in material possessions, but the satisfaction of knowing that at that very moment everything you need is taken care of. You are spiritually, emotionally, and mentally in a place of calm. Your children are happy. Your significant other, if one applies, is in a good place.. and as a woman you are able to exhale the negative that you have taken on for everyone else. The ability to find contentment in one’s personal space.

  • Joyce

    My definition of rich…Would be to continue to grow Spiritually and to have peace and balance in my life.

  • Tamika

    Being rich to me is maintaining spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and financial balance. Maintaining balance allows you to have clarity in all aspects of life.

  • LaToya

    Being Rich is eternal. It is realizing that home is within and knowing no matter the path you choose there is no such thing as separation. Oneness

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