What is your definition of RICH?

I want to know what your definition of rich is... Everyone has a different perspective on a lot of things, so i want to know yours!!! And I will share mines in tonights meetings. If you want to be held accountable in getting your definition of being rich. Join us


  • Susan

    There’s a difference between being rich and being wealthy.

  • BlackisBeauty

    Being rich to me is a person who maintains wealth well. To me you can also feel rich off love , being high maintenance and just being well kept.

  • MAF

    Being that I am 22 years of age I feel as though being rich is a state of mind. YOU choose to live abundantly in all states of matter. Meaning, Knowing what makes you feel Whole everyday is up to the interactions you choose to take on everyday. You’re either richly thinking or poorly thinking about your everyday experiences.

  • Sibongile Shockley

    Being rich definitely deals with money (Energy)… but it also deals with my state of mind (Being spiritually aligned), my health,my family and my personal growth. If my money is up, my health is up, my family is thriving, I’m aligned and my personal growth is on point?. I’m RICH!…

  • Candie fogah

    being rich is a mind state that your actions should follow . Being rich is how I think, how I eat. What I entertain, how I grasp to change. How I never settle

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