What is your definition of RICH?

I want to know what your definition of rich is... Everyone has a different perspective on a lot of things, so i want to know yours!!! And I will share mines in tonights meetings. If you want to be held accountable in getting your definition of being rich. Join us


  • Lil Bit

    Having the ability to manifest… Alot of people don’t know the power of the tongue

  • Krystal

    My RICHness is live. How I live my life, depicts how rich I AM. Through my thoughts, my words, my actions, how I use my time, the amount of sleep I use, the foods I eat, how much I laugh, how I use money, etc. I tell the Universe who I AM and what I want and need in this lifetime

  • Angel Alecia Tydings-Downs

    State of mind.

  • Annie

    Being rich to me is being rich in your mind,body and soul and then the rest will follow.

  • Oshun

    Being rich to me starts with the mind and being in a healthy mental space. That healthy mental space then can give me the ability to Tangibly create a rich life style spiritually. Being rich to Me also means being Able to more then provide as a partner, mother, sister and daughter.

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