Should we be selfish? Regardless if we are single, married, with or without children? Or no?

I honestly feel like it's important to put self first. In the sense of making sure you are a happy and whole before you even consider relationships, children or a marriage.

When you do receive your relationships, marriage, and/or children it's even more important to be selfish (practicing self love, and indulging in your happy place) so that you can be at peace with yourself. I feel that the peace you have internally will then pour into your relationship and children! What do you think? 

Comment your thoughts below... If you want to further discuss this topic, click here and tell me about it sis!


  • Krystal Smith

    I have experienced both sides, being selfless and selfish. Like TK said we are taught as women we should be superwoman and put everyone else before us. I did just that until I ended up in the emergency room with really bad anxiety. From that moment on I make sure my cup is overflowing before I try to entertain anyone else.

  • Tk

    I think as a society we have to breakdown what selfish really is. Because more often than not we are being called selfish when we are simply self aware and make choices not based on societal norms!
    I am self aware and selfish in my attempts to protect MY peace at all costs.

  • Khaleeah

    Self should be priority. I agree. As woman, do we get off track or assume a role so far away from self that we could sabotage our peace? I have. I don’t want to that anymore. I want it to be automatic to be selfish in this way. When I put myself first everything else naturally falls into place.

  • Essence

    Mannnn, SELF PERSERVERANCE IS LAW!!! I Have learned its ok to BE MY OWN SAVIOR. I learned after dealing with a man that I left, he went and got married and I still chose to deal with him. After dealing with him I learned to never compromise my time or love for my self for nobody. I thought my blunt, straight forward, tell it like it is, think like a man, I m that b**** Masculine Energy was really showing how much I needed to work on me!!! So now I am LOVING ME FIRST AND EMBRACING MY TRUE FEMININITY!! No where but up from here! #Essence

  • T’Ongila

    This is something that I learned after marriage. I have to practice self love and keeping me first. Otherwise the relationships around me fail. You can’t love others fully without loving yourself

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