Should we be selfish? Regardless if we are single, married, with or without children? Or no?

I honestly feel like it's important to put self first. In the sense of making sure you are a happy and whole before you even consider relationships, children or a marriage.

When you do receive your relationships, marriage, and/or children it's even more important to be selfish (practicing self love, and indulging in your happy place) so that you can be at peace with yourself. I feel that the peace you have internally will then pour into your relationship and children! What do you think? 

Comment your thoughts below... If you want to further discuss this topic, click here and tell me about it sis!


  • Zari

    I absolutely agree that it okay to be selfish and indulge in self care to keep yourself at peace so you can be better for yourself and those around you.

  • Jess

    I do feel like there has to be some sort of selfishness involved if we want to be able to give our full selves to others. We can’t pour from an empty cup and nobody can love you like you! Agreed . You have to spend time with yourself , know yourself , and love yourself in order to ever truly love anyone else.

  • Yaa

    It’s an absolute must to have time with self, to reset, to recharge, and to be still. You cannot serve love, if ur pot is empty! I love being alone, with my thoughts in my sacred quiet space! Women often get caught up in being superwoman, so it’s easy to slip. When that crown gets heavy. In that moment stop take a deep breath and go find a space even for a few minutes to gather urself!

  • Fatihah

    Self preservation should come naturally The priority of caring about yourself and overall well being just aids in prioritizing our own needs and desires. This being so whether your a parent, spouse, single or a combination. This doesn’t make you selfish if anything it assist you with have a brighter positive light towards those you interact with.

  • Uniqwa

    I also agree. I am a mother of 5. If I dont have my personal time to do whatever satisfies me in that moment everybody endures my impatience as well as attitude unfortunately. However give me just enough time to rejuvenate and I’m ready for anything!!

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