Should we be selfish? Regardless if we are single, married, with or without children? Or no?

I honestly feel like it's important to put self first. In the sense of making sure you are a happy and whole before you even consider relationships, children or a marriage.

When you do receive your relationships, marriage, and/or children it's even more important to be selfish (practicing self love, and indulging in your happy place) so that you can be at peace with yourself. I feel that the peace you have internally will then pour into your relationship and children! What do you think? 

Comment your thoughts below... If you want to further discuss this topic, click here and tell me about it sis!


  • Gorgeous

    That is very important to have . Rememberance of one’s self. Half of the women after marriage don’t even remember their favorite color . Yet alone recognize the changes within their body and mind. Which binds them from exploring new things that would internally make them unique. Although women look at men as leaders we as women are leaders within our selves so to fully submit to one person no longer makes the relationship a decomcray but a DICKtaerdhip. Which intern makes the dominance of the man to a woman and his family a hypocritical presence amongst each other . The man wants the woman to comprise on the very things they refuse PRIDE EGO AND WHO IS FUCKING HIS PIECE OF MEWY ST TYHE MOMENT

  • Cierra

    I agree ! Putting yourself first is how you set the tone for others to love you . If you don’t love yourself then you will deal with some form of mistreatment until you get your self love in order .

  • Cristie

    I can definitely agree with you !! That alone time is so crucial ! It’s all about making sure our mental physical and spiritual health is thriving so we can be at our best to love on and grow with our loved ones . As a mom of two I wish I had more time to myself . It’s weighing heavily on my mental health but I’ve decided to wake up two or three hours earlier and just make that my time . Complaining doesn’t help

  • Boobie

    I totally agree with you. I believe that we can not love someone if we don’t first love ourselves. Especially being a woman I strongly believe everything starts with us. So yes we have to take time out to appreciate ourselves , and love ourselves and put ourselves first always. I had to find a balance between being a Mom, a daughter, a aunt, a entrepreneur, etc etc. It’s so easy to start disliking something about yourself if not yourself. Me time is important, doing things you love is important, taking yourself out on a date is important it really really is. It all plays a part in Self Love. Making sure you know yourself and know exactly what you want out of ppl and life.It all falls down to self.

  • Jasmine Vinson

    I absolutely agree. I am single and I don’t have children. I am 30 years old. And I realize that self love is the source of love. In order to give love to someone else, I first must take that time to love me. Heal past traumas, come face to face with issues if been avoiding, confront and unlearn bad habits, heal and purge of toxic relationships and abuse (I’VE ALLOWED INTO MY SACRED PLACE) I take ownership, I didn’t get here overnight so I OVERstand that this healing journey is a process and I’m beginning to fall in love with it. How I treat others is a reflection of how I treat myself and vice versa. In order to cultivate and manifest a good man, family, and that comes with that, I need to manifest that within first, treat myself to a date, take a nice bubble bath, slow jams, glass of wine, a blunt and these fingers nigga lol…yes fuck yourself and have fun. Fuck the haters, live your best life unapologetically! SELF LOVE IS THE BEST LOVE! One love 🌹

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