Should we be selfish? Regardless if we are single, married, with or without children? Or no?

I honestly feel like it's important to put self first. In the sense of making sure you are a happy and whole before you even consider relationships, children or a marriage.

When you do receive your relationships, marriage, and/or children it's even more important to be selfish (practicing self love, and indulging in your happy place) so that you can be at peace with yourself. I feel that the peace you have internally will then pour into your relationship and children! What do you think? 

Comment your thoughts below... If you want to further discuss this topic, click here and tell me about it sis!


  • Crystal Brim

    Most definitely!! You will lose yourself if you don’t.

  • Shanel

    I agree with this 100% and this is something I preach, to other moms, especially. Make sure YOU are good. If you’re no good for yourself, you can’t be good for anyone else. Be the best version of yourself and love on you first, then everyone else’s love and affection will follow naturally because you’ll know how you want to be loved and can apply this to all other relationships (spouse, children, friends, family, etc).

  • Teonna

    Seems like self love and care would be first priority. It becomes a struggle when you have children or a family that requires your all. Falling into putting your children or husband life can super easy. Then one day you wake up and don’t even know who you are anymore. Step by step, day by day, starting by doing little things that is completely owned by you is the key to moving forward.

  • Takia Booker

    I agree with having to be selfish. You should always put yourself first! I look at like this, if you don’t take care of yourself and love yourself, how do you expect to love and take care of someone else. Self love is important!

  • Jes

    It’s crazy, I agree with being selfish and I know its needed , I just struggle with it at times. I have this thing when, it comes to relationships, as long as the other person is satisfied then I’m straight. At 1st everything is all good but as time goes on I tend to put my wants, needs or desires on the back burner. Then I find myself in this angry mode. However after reading these comments, I got some pointers. Its time I being Selfish!

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