What Would Younger You Say To Yourself Right Now?

This is a non judgmental zone!!! So only authentic thoughts allowed! 

My younger self would tell me NOW, that she always knew that I would be more than average! It was a long journey, but nigga you made it! Even though this is only the beginning. She would also say good job sweetie, you're doing amazing lol! Now if you would have asked me that about 3 yrs ago, that answer would be totally different! What would your younger self say to you sis??? Tell me about it in the SAFE HAVEN


  • Dejana’e

    Younger me would break down and cry , she knows we’ve been through a lot but that’ll never stop us, She knows we lost so many people and it’s hard to go on but yet we still push ourself forward. If I were that younger me right now idk what I would do , I am so damn strong.

  • Mother Theresa

    My younger self is looking at me proud af right now that I finally started embracing who I authentically am unapologetically. My younger self used to shy away when people couldn’t handle my light shining so damn bright but she’s so proud right now. I left people pleasing in the past. She waiting on me to drop a mixtape though lol

  • Gemini Coward

    My younger self would “remind” my older self how MUCH we overcame. There is more to come and its time to get ready. Keep going👑❤🙏🏾

  • Tinisha

    My younger self would say you making it through all the ups and downs. The sleepless nights…. My younger self would say I’m proud of who you are becoming and everything you are accomplishing and this just your beging so keep shining bright and uplifting others and always remember to keep loving yourself 😍😍😍😍

  • Teagan BERRii Kent

    My younger self would say… ”I know it’s been bumps, bruises, and dark dark moments but you always stand strong, smile, and push through it till you the light. You are caring, loving, and smart no matter what you think of yourself. You not perfect but you one hella of phenomenal woman and don’t you forget it.” 💚

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