What Would Younger You Say To Yourself Right Now?

This is a non judgmental zone!!! So only authentic thoughts allowed! 

My younger self would tell me NOW, that she always knew that I would be more than average! It was a long journey, but nigga you made it! Even though this is only the beginning. She would also say good job sweetie, you're doing amazing lol! Now if you would have asked me that about 3 yrs ago, that answer would be totally different! What would your younger self say to you sis??? Tell me about it in the SAFE HAVEN


  • Ms. Bonnie

    My younger self would say, I’m happy you are chasing dreams, standing up for yourself, and focusing on yourself!! You finally see that you are only obligated to do for yourself!!! Continue to live life, be happy, and don’t take no shit

  • Jacinta W

    My younger self would say, love yourself sis! Don’t be afraid to put your happiness and wellbeing first. Don’t let the negativity of others bring you down or dim your light. You are worthy of all that you desire. Keep your head up and keep pushing towards your dreams for me!

  • Jasmine Valentine

    The younger me would say Girl I AM SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU !!!! You finally overcame that mountain of yearning from your mothers love . I’m so happy that you see that all that you need resides in you , you just have to tap into it. I am so happy that you are taking the steps to step into your true Divinty and lead others the way. I am happy you are shedding layers of your ego and you are starting to inner stand over stand and understand your power. Keep going you have brought the light back into your eyes . Continue to be self aware , accountability and explore yourself with curiosity and no judgement. Remember the universal energies and spiritual team above gas your back . I love you and keep going baby !!!

  • Shai

    My younger self would say to me, you’ve always known that you were destined to me more than just mediocre, but don’t think that just because you hit 30 that you’ve failed! You still have millions of hearts that need your wisdom, guidance, and compassion. Stay the course, your legacy will be remembered and valued. The revolution will be televized!!!

  • Erin Nicole

    My younger self would say….. “Honey! If only they knew your story! And look at you now! Sis you need to learn to appreciate how far you’ve come… because everyone didn’t make. And I know some days it feels like it’s hard but I also know how strong you are and what you are capable of. So just keep on keepin on! Love you! “

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