What Would Younger You Say To Yourself Right Now?

This is a non judgmental zone!!! So only authentic thoughts allowed! 

My younger self would tell me NOW, that she always knew that I would be more than average! It was a long journey, but nigga you made it! Even though this is only the beginning. She would also say good job sweetie, you're doing amazing lol! Now if you would have asked me that about 3 yrs ago, that answer would be totally different! What would your younger self say to you sis??? Tell me about it in the SAFE HAVEN


  • Kimberly B.

    My younger self would tell me to stay focused, keep your pace and bask in the present moment.

  • Janine Gonzalez

    The younger me would say to me to be patient. You’ve worked hard and struggled but you are so hard on yourself. She would say put you first

  • Kyerra

    Right now I believe my younger self would tell me “Don’t worry. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You don’t have to have it ALL figured it out. Be patient and do the work. In due time, you’ll watch your life become exactly what it should be. And don’t be lazy.”

  • Yani X

    I believe My younger self would ask me to teach her everything I know now, so that I can be far more advanced in the future.

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