What Would Younger You Say To Yourself Right Now?

This is a non judgmental zone!!! So only authentic thoughts allowed! 

My younger self would tell me NOW, that she always knew that I would be more than average! It was a long journey, but nigga you made it! Even though this is only the beginning. She would also say good job sweetie, you're doing amazing lol! Now if you would have asked me that about 3 yrs ago, that answer would be totally different! What would your younger self say to you sis??? Tell me about it in the SAFE HAVEN


  • Jade Thomas

    You have so much going for yourself baby girl. Don’t let others bring you down. Please LIVE out your dreams and don’t let anyone hold you back. You are capable of so many things and have so many great opportunities ahead of you. Don’t squander them. Believe in YOU baby and you got it. Trust the (+) girl.

  • Leniece sunflower Campbell

    Baby girl you got the juice you are strong enough you are enough don’t let them sum yo light you can help people but help you first okay not to be okay and that power inside you is something amazing trust yoself believe in don’t give up on you you deserve that undying love you give to everyone else ps don’t stop writing never stop yo voice and yo pen is yo power

  • Shannen

    i am so proud of your accomplishments and how far you’ve come. blessings are your karma. your daughter is so beautiful and full of love and light. i love you, keep going! trust in you.

  • Dominique Diaz

    With what I’m going through in my life at the moment, my younger self would tell me..! YOU GOT THIS!!

  • Auri

    My younger self will say “Nothing you’ve done/be thru is a mistake it’s a lesson just figure out what you learned from it and take it from there. Sleep is for the weak and I know you be tired but it aint time for that. Work, be about your issue. I love you lady, you got this”

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