How do you deal with bitter "babymamas"

I personally understand that some are hurt and it may take them a while to realize how amazing of a person I am. I know that I will be an amazing friend to her because I know that she can use it and because we're family. I genuinely want the mother of my mans children to be mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially healthy for the sake of OUR children... So because of that I am hella patient and understanding making it easy for me to play my part not overstep my boundaries and give her her space and time to heal and come around on her own time. 

Don't get me wrong it's hard as fuck some days especially when I see my baby moved or bothered by some of things she says and does. But him and the children are the most important to me, that's why I want the best for her. 

Baby mama's I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Comment below and/or JOIN THE SAFE HAVEN and share in the meetings. 


  • Jonae D Todd

    I honestly feel bitter babymamas lack the ability to have self love and they pass it to the child consciously or subconsciously

  • Neak

    Wow this was so meant for me to see .. I’m literally going through this as we speak with a guy I’m really liking we are both 22 unfortunately he already has two baby’s by this other female.. he’s been in a really bad head space for the last couple of days due to how’s she been acting .. I am really not sure how to give him comfort are not really sure on what I can do to let him know I’m
    Behind him. I genuinely want them to work the problems out so he and she can be happy and enjoy life .. I’m not even sure on how to be here for him or what to say .. I’m happy I seen this though because it gives me a different perspective on how to deal and handle the situation..

  • Tamara

    My spouse have 2 other baby mommas. Both of which have put him through some shit. Now I’m not claiming him to be an angel but I’ll say I would never do the things that they have done. However, I understand the emotions of females. Sometimes females become “bitter” because their “happy ending” was shattered and instead of looking in the mirror and self reflecting, they have to place the blame somewhere else. They may feel unheard and stepped over and so they attack and use the only leverage they have ||THE KIDS||

    The 1st baby momma I never had to deal with because that child is older. But the younger two (before my 2) baaby! Lol but I kill her with kindness at all times. #1 because I don’t want to go for the throat and jeopardize her keeping his kids away. And #2 I love and adore the kids and wouldn’t want to ever have them in a position to see me and their mom getting right (whether be with words or action) . Sometimes I want to ask her, what hurt her so bad and try to assist in her healing, but somethings you just have to leave up to the universe.

  • Candice

    When dealing with bitter baby mothers you really just have to give them space and time to heal. Boundaries should be set and conversations may need to be had. Sometimes they just want to be heard, they may want a genuine apology from their baby father. I would continue being the light and full of love that the baby mother has no choice but to love you. My granny use to say sometimes you just have LOVE the HELL up out of folk. Being Bitter is truly a choice and once folk grow and realize it’s more about the well being of the babies and not ALL about them they will get it together. Children grow and will soon be asking questions. Just continue being LIGHT and LOVE.

  • TiffanyMays

    I’m a baby mama and I’ve dated a baby daddy and the hardest most realistic issue is before baby mamas or baby daddy enter new real relationship the still be running back and fourth using the other person as clutch then when new/real partner steps in and steps up the bitterness comes because the patterns are now broken. For the most part I just waited for our one on one time and would always give him the scenario if the shoe was on the other how he feel and how would he want to be treated.

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