Why Should I Protect My Energy?

I personally feel like, if we gave our energy to whoever wanted it we wouldn't have any energy left for our selves. We have to recognize the energy drainers- people who make you feel weak or exhausted after your interactions with them. I personally stay away from those because if I don't it's self inflicted. You want energy fillers - people who make you feel full after your interactions.

The simplest way I can put it is, don't spread yourself thin! You want to be Quality not Quantity. Shit! You should want Quality over Quantity. I don't know, share your thoughts below and/or  click here  to share in the MG Safe Haven with us.


  • Lashawnda

    I totally agree!🎯 I call those people energy vampires and stay clear from them. Family and all!!

  • Brittney

    I agree 💯%! We only get x-amount of mental/physical energy in a day and we should only give our energy to things that benefit us and to people that deserve it.

  • Brandy of LadyMouth

    Protecting your energy is a must. I want to make a disclaimer that I do believe that depression is real. Oftentimes we are suffering from a transfer of negative energy though and writing off as “oh I’m depressed”. When I was diagnosed with depression, I felt like the doctors couldn’t wait to prescribe me something and then something else and then something else. The thing is it was not healing the depression it was only blocking my creative juices, which made me depressed. Being creative in writing and crafts is what makes me happy but when that medication began altering my third eye chakra and my sacral chakra became blocked. I knew I had to do some inner work, so the first thing I did was take stock of my circle. I realized three of the four core people I was closest too were taking some sort of psychosis medication (whether for PTSD, depression or bipolar meds). Then I took stock of the conversations I was allowing us to repetitively have. It was like a light bulb went off and I had to make the decision to be the break in that chain. I started requesting them talk about business building and how to remedy these diagnoses naturally (which is why I’m an avid orange tea and happy tea drinker). Next I took inventory of the things that were going in my body. Long story short I became aware that not only do I need to protect my energy but that foods have energy. I fell off from doing these things by simply changing my activity from mostly instagram but to that blue devil Facebook. The chaos that followed should’ve been expected due to the lower vibrating attitudes that are common on the book! So I’m back on a new journey and happy to see the creation of the safe haven!!! You are the bomb sis! Thanks for creating and doing what you do.

  • Suga

    I feel like I should protect my energy because my energy is the sole TO my SANITY. Peace is one of my most important objectives in life!

  • Lee G

    This was pretty much a word in a way! Lately I’ve been trying to heal myself from being the people pleaser, that also includes my husband but we’ve been on rough times and I hated to admit that when we would disagree it exhausted me. Even sometimes I know his intentions are good but being with him is exhausting. I wish I knew how to protect my energy under the same roof as what could be draining energy.

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