Money issues are never the problem...

People have money management issues. It's easier to spend money on things that look good, taste good or is fun. While it's harder to spend money on things that will add value to your life because it takes work and may seem boring.

Priorities is the issue, not money! 


  • Jes

    Mannnn you just said a whole lot right there!!!! #TheTruth

  • Kat

    I guess when we get sick and tired of being sick and tired we will find a safe place to put it. But while we spending it, what would be considered smart spending or investing? How much is enough to start investing with in order to see growth in the safe place? And let’s make the safe place the greatest place⁹💯❣👑💞

  • Lashawnda Porter

    I definitely have a problem with managing my finances.😞
    June 23, 2020

  • Keshuna

    I’m trying to learn to budget and invest my money into the right things for my family.

  • Brenee

    My main problem with money!

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