Is forcing yourself to do something because you want to keep your word unhealthy or noble???

I truly feel that it can be both unhealthy and noble. I feel that the better question would be which one would you rather be??? Unhealthy or noble??? For me it depends on the person, situation, or circumstances. I personally am NOT a noble person... I am genuine but I am not noble, I do not believe in doing things at my own expense. I am very big on energy, if it diminish's my energy or takes away from my spirit I will dead it. I don't care what i thought, expected, or said. I've never been big on words anyway, only actions and vibes. 

Tell me what you think below and click here to have a better conversation on this face to face


  • Donna

    In my opinion, forcing yourself to keep your word is unhealthy because things change and the circumstances in which a person gave their word could be different down the line. My point is if I give my word or make a commitment to do something I do my best to follow through, however if I feel forced, negative vibes, or the consequences of the situation bring me down then I will retract and say No. I am learning to be ok with saying No, the more I grow and evolve into the best version of myself so I choose me and with choosing what’s best for me, that’s Noble. 🙂

  • The Founder

    I am very decisive with my word.

    I submit, your word is important to keep.
    It is very healthy to be noble. Your word is the vocal or written expression of your intent to action.  To be noble is to be of superior quality.  The essence of a noble person is to have a healthy mind + spirit to invoke a vibration of honor. With that said,  It is very important to be careful how you speak and to what you give your word ( what you agree to submit your energy). It is to our benefit to honor those who honor us by aligning their energy with ours raising our spirits genuinely.

  • Bry

    I’m still learning to dead it if it doesn’t serve me. I’ve very much been hardwired to work hard over work smart.
    So honest, it does depend on the situation and person, but it shouldn’t cost you your leave, cause that costs too much

  • Monique

    Life taught me the hard way that nobility starts with self, self perception self preservation and self principles. You must always nurture and protect your own energy. At what cost is people pleasing worth your sanity and peace. Yes accountability is an admirable quality to have but it must not push you to do things that you don’t want to do. How can you honor your word over the mouth from which the same words were spoken from.

  • Major

    A year ago I would of said being noble, because life does sometimes consist of things we don’t want to do. However I’ve learning when I was being noble I was so looking for validation meanwhile all I was receiving was disrespect, unhealthy relationships and being used for my time money and energy. So now being genuine, if I don’t want to do it I won’t. So I would consider it as unhealthy furthermore if a person is being genuine to begin with they wouldn’t ask you to do something they know you don’t want to do.

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