Baby Mama Drama?? OH HELL NAH!!

I always said I didn't want a man with kids because of the fact I didn't like my step mom, and because I saw how my mom and step mom interacted. It wasn't pleasant and clearly left an effect on us as children, even adults!

After I healed myself from the traumas from my parents and myself, I became self aware which caused me to see things differently. That's when I realized everything is based off of perspectives and understanding. I DO NOT condone drama whatsoever! That causes me to handle things a certain way so that I don't subject myself to it. In return, the people that are around me (especially the children!!!!) ... Meet us now in the "Safe Haven" sis, this is a much avoided, but needed conversation. It's time for us to grow up!


  • Brianna Riddle

    I myself never had a problem with my stepmom we just never got close for real I stayed outta her way and she stayed out of mine. But I do remember wishing that my mom would interact differently with my dad on some occasions. Like on my birthdays and stuff because I would want my brother and sisters to come to my parties but my mom was not having it.

  • Star

    I’m going through that right now with my boyfriend daughter she can’t stand me because of her mother she’s currently not allowed at my house because she got caught video tapping me and sending it to her mother the mother can’t stand me either

  • Ambria Moore

    This is right I wish my children had a bonus mom like you!!I honestly thought Melanin was your baby. You for sure broke that cycle!!!

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